Forbidden Doors



"Into this room you shall not go, you must not go. I forbid you to open this door. Be bold, but not that bold -- your blood will freeze icy cold. Will you open it, even so?"


Here are the stories of some of those who did, among them Mary, young and beautiful, who is courted by Mr. Fox -- and disobeys him.


There is Ivan, who marries the Queen of the North and betrays her trust to discover the Undying, with terrible consequences.


And there is the youth who almost becomes pie-filling for Mrs, Fox...



'This is an altogether attractive collection...with a beguiling sense of mystery.' 



Authors note: Folk stories and myths are classified into 'tale types.'

One tale type is known as 'forbidden door stories' -- because there is always a door or a lid that must not be opened.

Every story in this collection contains a forbidden door.



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